Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's Tuesday, where are you?

In addition to asking where we are in our reading this week, raidergirl3 asked where we get our books. I get books wherever I can find them! Currently, I'm on a book diet, which means I'm not buying any new books until I make a serious dent in my TBR stack (this does not apply to reference books or cookbooks, only to ones that I actually sit down to read cover to cover - I did buy a copy of Day Trips from Houston last week...). When I am buying books, I tend to pick them up at Borders or Half Price Books, occasionally Amazon. My workplace used to have quarterly used book sales (I work at a hospital, and they get lots of donated books), but they've stopped having them for the most part. I picked up a ton at those. And then, of course, there's the Texas Library Association conference, where I pick up lots of free Advanced Reader Copies, this year coming home with 45 new books! This was not typical - most times I've come home with between 10-20, I think. I
also have been lucky with the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program, scoring about 6 books there, and I've gotten a few on Bookmooch.

EDITED TO ADD: I can't believe I forgot to mention the library. I get an awful lot of books from the library, too. I am a huge supporter of libraries (being a librarian and all...)

As for where I am today. This morning I was in Maine being a preteen girl caught between worlds (in Rules by Cynthia Lord) and then I just started Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult and don't actually know where I am yet! Later I will be in a creepy fairytale forest in The Book of Lost Things and on an island in the middle of nowhere in Peter and the Starcatchers. It's awesome to be in new books this week!

Wanna play? Visit raidergirl3's blog at http://raidergirl3-anadventureinreading.blogspot.com!


Debi said...

Are you enjoying Rules? Annie really liked it, so I stuck in my pile but haven't gotten to it yet.

I so enjoy reading your "where are you?" posts. And every week I tell myself I'm going to get around to joining in, but I never seem to get to it. Maybe today.

Somer said...

Laura and I are both really enjoying Rules. It's a very sweet book. I would have loved it even more when I was her age.

raidergirl3 said...

45 books? Wow, that's incredible. I hope most of them are good reads too.

Do you find you will settle on one book that you have to finish? When I try to read more than one at a time, one takes over.