Sunday, November 11, 2007

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt

It's been ages since I saw this movie, and I'm so glad I really didn't remember anything about the movie other than that it starred Kevin Spacey. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I could hear the Georgia accent in my head throughout. The characters were fascinating, and the story was gripping (especially since I couldn't remember how it turned out...). Even though the book is nonfiction, it reads like fiction. Murder, voodoo, drag queens. What's not to love? This is probably one of my favorite nonfiction books I've ever read. This also makes 3 books finished for the Unread Authors challenge.

1 comment:

Debi said...

I picked this one up from Paperback Swap not long ago, and have been itching to get to it. After reading your review, I'm more anxious than ever! I'm like you--I remember loving the movie, but don't actually remember "the story".